Sunday, March 21, 2010

Little Shop of Horrors photo archive

Little Shop was an incredibly fun show to work on. We borrowed/bartered the puppets from Cortez High, whose teacher, Mack Duncan also works as a puppetteer.

We taped a section in Old Town scottsdale that played during Da doo. When I find it, I will see about adding it.

We used the picture below as a logo for PlantMart, a take on Walmart, making a reference to the original intent of the show which was intended as a comment on the coroporatization of America.

exterior that revolved to reveal the Dentist office

Mushnik interior

Jazz club that we had a jazz combo play outside of. You can see it in the picture below.

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Saturday tech

Another Saturday in the audi. Making the logs for our cabin is becoming a little tedious, but it is going to end up being one of the coolest sets we've ever done. I am looking forward to seeing it done.

The actors are doing a great job as well. It's going to be a tight show

Friday, March 19, 2010

Midsummer Night's Dream



A Midsummer Night's dream was the third play I directed at Chaparral, but the first without Spicola there to help with costumes, makeup, and all the other production work she did. You can't see it any of the photos, but Mr. Allende, aka "Orchman" wrote an original score to play underneath the show in places. It was really cool, but even with microphones we had some balance issues. Yay Space boots. I had decided to set the play in the future for some bizarre reason, but the rude mechanics seemed stuck in the Shire. Still it was a nice start to a new era. It was adjudicated to go to the State festival but was not selected...Thank God. Can you imagine the nightmare of trying to travel with this monster? During the teaser, we did a transition from the stark city to the forest, with a front of curtain scene in between. it was so seemless the audience of high school students literally gasped when the forest was revealed. I think they applauded too, but I am not 100% on that. After the teaser some of the students asked how we got all that on stage in such a quick time. Ah magical illusions...gotta love it.

We had the fairies go through the audience and throw glitter at the audience. It was very annoying but fun and mischievous.

In the closeups you can see it's just painted carpet not grass, but from the audience it was very effective and beautiful.

Matt Merritt guest starred in all three productions this theater season.

This pictures comes closest to capturing how the forrest looked.

I think we still have some of these stock platforms.

How to Succeed Photos

The Orchestra
The crew

The Cast

One of the images we used in one of the book voices about Biggley

As usual I found a way to incorporate video and politics. I used video for the "book voices" that are throughout the show. The office window had screen material attached to it. I really liked how this turned out.

Ah yes, our Pirate ship with special help from Dane, who lent a hand even though he had graduated the year before.


A Secretary is not a Toy

This was the last SpiComo production during which we both lost our siblings on successive days.
There were a lot of memorable moments. I particularly recall the drama involved in casting a Sophomore as the female lead and in a few other key parts. The elevators and metal work were amazing.